
Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Perfect Fireplace Part 2

Although still mild, the weather this week has been noticably cooler, which leads us nicely onto Part 2 of How To Create Your Perfect Fireplace.

This week is all about seeking out accessories that conjure up images of fireside country bliss, toasting crumpets and sizzling chestnuts. That's the look we love. 

At Relics, we pride ourselves on sourcing well-made, good quality items: ones that have character but also a strong air of originality. We've picked out just two of our fireside accessories to show you what we mean. 

If you'd like a closer look then pop in to the shop, or contact us for more details.

A companion set is essential for keeping your hearth in tip-top condition. Our sets (this is the smaller size of two) come with a poker, tongs, shovel and brush.
 Not only useful for keeping everything looking beautiful, companion sets are a great way of introducing character to a modern home.

Our chunky wicker baskets have been a huge hit with our customers. This is our favourite for holding kindling and a few logs. The wicker is strong and sturdy, and has a gorgeous, slightly greyed finish.

One of the queries we frequently get asked at Relics, is how to add character to featureless properties. Decorative touches that are textured and traditional, such as these, are an easy way of doing just that.

Next week, we'll be starting a detailed tutorial series about gilding. Impeccably timed to lead us into the Christmas season.