Saturday 1 December 2012

How To Gild Using Liberon's Gilt Cream

This month, we want to show you, step by step, how to create two very different gilded effects using Liberon's Gilt Cream. Both are very straight forward and are the perfect way to provide additional Christmassy warmth to your home. 

Let's start with a really simple project, which is wonderful for this time of year, using fir cones to make a Christmas display.

Gather together a group of fir cones.

Starting with a small dab of Liberon's Gilt Cream on your brush....

...and working from the base of each cone, gradually build up the gilded effect, making sure you get into all the nooks and crannies.

With some of our fir cones, we used the cream all over, and, with others, we used the gentlest touch, to provide variety of colour and texture when they are grouped together.

This is a great example of how Liberon's Gilt Cream can be used on bare surfaces. Now let's take a look at using it on a slightly harder project, to gild an already painted surface.

We've used this technique on these painted wooden frames.

We want the Gilt Cream to highlight the grain of the wood, as well as the textured effect of the paint. In order to achieve this effect, you need to apply the cream using the flat side of the paint brush, skimming it softly over the surface so only the very top layer of the frame is caught by the cream.

Taking this process very slowly, it's possible to build up layers of Gilt Cream to produce a beautiful but subtle effect, which provides a terrific Christmas glow.

If this makes the process sound too complicated then please rest assured that it needn't be. Liberon's Gilt Cream is incredibly easy to use. Just for you, we want to show what happens if you apply it rather haphazardly, like this...

Is it possible to put this streaky effect right? YES! 
All you need to do is to keep rubbing gently but firmly with the side of your brush, or with a dry rag. This will soften the lines of the streaking. Then, taking some more of the product with your paint brush, go over the area until you're happy with the look.

Wait for Liberon's Gilt Cream to dry and then, if you want, it can be buffed to a soft sheen using a soft cotton cloth.

We hope you're able to have lots of fun with gilt cream in your homes this month and, as always, if you have any questions about gilding, then please contact Relics of Witney, and we'd be delighted to help.

Merry Christmas from all of us!

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