It's time to announce our exciting news in full....
...we've moved from our old place in Bridge Street....
to our new address:

Relics of Witney Limited,
The Old Works,
Corn Street,
OX28 6BZ
We shared last month how we've been extremely busy behind the scenes getting everything ready for you and, though the finishing touches are still being put in places, we are OPEN!!
If you've not yet been in and seen our new place then here are some pictures to give you just a taster of all that's in store....
And, don't forget, when you visit us here at our new Corn Street address in April, enter our prize draw to win a £50 Relics voucher to spend on all our lovely goodies...
We've now got plenty of parking in front for all our customers; so useful for all of you looking to pick up big hauls of paint for your projects!
The Old Works is the most fantastic space. Director Kate Pollard says, "It's so light and bright; and such a pleasure to see the sun streaming in through the huge windows."
We've had enormous bespoke oak doors (finished with Osmo Oil) made by the excellent Rialto Joinery, which allow yet more light to flood in.
Lots of our customers have been asking what we'll be doing with all the additional space. We've got lots of plans coming soon to expand on our existing stock.
This means that we'll be able to hold many more tins of paint in store, particularly of Farrow and Ball and Little Greene colours.
Relics will also be starting to be an official Crown paint stockist, which we're very excited about.
As well as paint, we'll be looking to build on our existing range of home-wares. For example we'll be stocking a new range of fantastic oak flooring.
Relics director, Steve Hall, says, "We've moved to give us the ability and flexibility to do more of the things that we already do really well...
Moving to The Old Works in Corn Street is such an amazing opportunity to grow and develop all that we've worked so hard at building at Bridge Street, finding the very best products for customers.
We're hugely looking forward to seeing many more of our plans come together and to flourish."
We've brought all our lovely fixtures and fittings, so the new Relics feels very familiar...
...but we hope you'll be as thrilled as we are with all the changes afoot. Come in and let us know what you think.